Environmental Awareness:

Written by Justin

On Sep 26, 2019

Waste Management: The reality of life is that waste will be generated forever if people have not changed lifestyle. This causes for a solution to deal with waste cycle through education, innovative technology and physical collection and processing. There is an opportunity to build economy around waste management cycle. The country needs infrastructure and serious compelling laws to ensure compliance with either waste management measures. It is still acceptable for waste disposal illegally because government has not provided for alternative for waste and people still buy waste because there are no implications of handling.There are opportunities in waste management cycle that can create jobs for the youth and unemployed. Municipalities can rely on communities to collect waste and transport to recycling facilities and only the small percentage can be disposed. Through recycling of waste there are clear economic, social and environmental benefits. Promotion of recycling will change everything about the future of the environment and enhance economic contribution to the GDP

Biodiversity: Biodiversity offers a range of opportunities for communities to create sustainable environmental programmes around. There are several opportunities that are not being tapped into because of environmental degradation caused by deforestation and improper hunting. Conservation of plants and animals have economic values and also help preserving plants and animals for the future generation.Bioprospecting is one of the areas that has not been tapped in by mostly Black people. It is important for communities to realise wildlife is worthy to conserve and there is business that is sustainable. Communities can participate to conservation areas to develop relationship with the nature reserves and local authorities to improve conservation efforts. Participation in wildlife conservation should be introduced to wide range of communities to influence future of the country

Water: Water is a scarce resource in South Africa and it is one of the most disregarded environmental parameters. Human behaviour is a clear challenge to the management of water in the country. There is so much pollution in our water systems and if not managed there is going to be crisis for water sources.Wetland are contaminated and waste is disposed into the water which is affecting the sources for clean water. Reticulation systems are not functional and water services infrastructures are dilapidated. Key to water management is human skills and mentality. It is key that the human infrastructure is guided on basic impacts of their actions to the environment

Education: Education on environment is key to the sustainability of environment and economy. Education is the fundamental base for the success of any environmental programmes. Whilst most communities are illiterate, there is a need for ensuring basic education is achieved in any community.Many people litter, dispose of waste and pollute environment because they believe it is not their role. It is important that people take accountability of their actions within the environment they live in. Environmental Management is the duty of all members of the community and should be respected as such. Access to education of the environment should be improved to ensure that all community members can be able to make rational decision on Environmental issues.

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